Friday, February 3, 2012

January 4th - Back to Frankfurt

Well, like all good things do, our time in Germany was coming to an was time to say goodbye to our much loved family and head back to Frankfurt for our flight to London, and our next stop on our marvellous adventure.

It has been such a wonderful time spending time with Andrew and his family and all I can say is that I truly hope that it won't be so long until we are all together again.  Andrew, Rachel, Grandma and the kids are planning to come out to Australia in April of this it won't be too long.

I would like to take this opportunity to say that Rachel's mum, Judy, who is lovingly known as Grandma to one all, is an absolutely gorgeous lady.  She is such a caring, fun lady and I really enjoyed that the kids and I got to meet her and spend time with her during this visit.

Grandma makes the best snowballs!!!!

Always hard at work.....

I must admit that I got a little muddled with the dates at this point and was factoring an extra day before we were due back in Frankfurt to return the hire car.  Luckily, I had my trusty book with our full itinerary!  For a minute there, I was thinking we would drive down to Salzburg to enjoy the 'Sound of Music' Tour, which includes a full singalong soundtrack-escorted tour to all the famous spots from the movie.  Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, I realised that there was no extra day so that trip will need to be saved for next time!

Well, before we say goodbye, here are a few pics (sorry not the best, but all we ended up with)....

Usually the mattress is down (Sequoia's bed) and all in all, quite cosy

Bye bye courtyard - this was just before we pulled out of the driveway and were on out way...
Bittersweet...we were off on our next aventure.

Well, we were doing the return trip to Frankfurt and in all honesty, it really shouldn't have been all that hard to find our way to the autobarn sans GPS.  However, in true Taylor form, we took several unscheduled detours through quite pretty little towns...

Well, the trip to Frankfurt was pretty uneventful once we found our way - you gotta love those autobarns! 

We finally made our way back to Frankfurt and found our hotel where we stayed before our flight to London.  Once we had checked in and dropped off our luggage, we made our way towards the Airport to drop off the rental car. 

We need to return the car with a full tank of fuel, so just before we turned off for the airport, we made our way to a little town not far from the airport to fill up and have our last German meal.

I was certain that I took some pics but have so many photos I don't seem to be able to find these ones atm.

The return of the hire car was surprisingly simple and we got a clean bill of health for the car (no damage etc).

We phoned the hotel to organise the shuttle bus back to our hotel.  Expecting only about a 15 minute wait, we went and stood where we expected to be picked up.  About half an hour later, we were still standing there....and it was freezing!!!!  We phoned the hotel again and worked out that we were waiting in the wrong place so we went over to the other waiting area.  After another 20 mins, we were frozen through and ended up approaching a taxi with the intent of just paying the taxi fare just to save us from becoming little ice-burgs.

The taxi driver just looked at us funny and told us that we actually needed to be waiting much further down the waiting areas and pretty much sent us on our way...well, at least he didn't just take our money.

We ended up finding where we were supposed to be and there was actually a telephone there with a direct line to our hotel.  We dialled our hotel to let them know we were still waiting and they let us know the shuttle bus had just left there and we needed to wait another 20 minutes for it to come back to us.  So, we waited.  We watched other shuttles come and go, all whilst we were absolutely freezing.

I called the hotel probably 2 times more before the guy finally showed up and when we finally got back to the hotel, I ended up going downstairs to the bar and shouting myself a little something to warm up again....

We had a nice sleep and were up nice and early the next morning for breakfast and off to the airport.

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