Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Days

We've had a relaxing few days at the house over Christmas.  I love that it was a really simple family Christmas where it was more about being with each other than presents and the whole commerciality that seems to pervade our Christmasses.

After all our exciting busy-ness, I finally took the opportunity to enjoy a bit of down time on Christmas Eve. 

I did have to share with you something I found when I stopped into a supermarket with Andrew the other night.... a box of fahrt!!!  Gotta love those Germans!

I believe this is Jelly Crystals - farht!!!! lol
It didn't snow on Christmas morning, but I so enjoyed our time in the snow when we arrived in Goetteldorf, I didn't mind so much.

Tree after JJ and Fritz the cat had been chewing on the fruit loop chains....
Well, we are currently sitting in our hotel in Luxemborg and about to embark on our journey into Belgium and we'd better get a move on.  Luxembourg is a gorgeous old city.  We went serching for an early dinner last night, but everything was closed.  We got to see some of the city though and after getting lost, we headed back to the hotel and had quite a delicious meal in the restaurant there.

Gotta go......

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Len said it would be good to keep some farht in the cupboard, you never know when it might come in handy. lol... He laughed so hard he almost needed a pack.
