Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas.....

It has been a magical couple of days, having our first snow yesterday morning when we woke up in our Frankfurt Hotel. 

Pheonix awoke at 5am and went to take a look out the window.  He then stated very calmly that it had snowed overnight.  During the trip, Pheonix had been playing 'tricks' a few times, where he would say 'Wow! Look!' and then when we looked, he's say 'tricks!', so I started to say, 'Pheonix, if you tricking us again.....'

Then Sequoia, who had gotten up to look said 'Mum, it really is snowing outside!!!!'  By 0515, we were downstairs enjoying our first winter wonderland!!!!

First glimpse out the window!
 It had only been a fairly light snow, but there was enough to make snowballs.....

Snowfight first up...
Catching snowflakes on her tongue

My snow bunnies

It was definitely a magical way to start our first day in Germany....

Once we had breakfasted in the hotel dining area (hard boiled eggs, rich pastries, many different types of breads, yoghurt and meat cold-cuts and cheese), we spent a little time hanging out until the sun decided to put in an appearance and we could brave the German autobarn down to Dietenhoffen.

The hire car had less than 10000 klms on the clock when we picked it up and it actually looked like the picture on the booking site.  This whole keep to the right thing has been challenging, but we have done really well in the snow.

We took a side trip to a small village off the autobarn on the way down and we had some delicious coffee and hot chocolates with a lovely lady named Julia when we stopped at her restaurant in the village.

Sequoia and Julia (pronounced Yooyia)
Finally, with much help from the GPS, we made out way to the little village of Goetteldorf.  Our GPS struggled with the actually location of the house and after driving through the few (very narrow streets), we spoke with an old German lady who said something about 'American' and what could have been past the 'kinderboos'.  I remembered seeing a schoolbus stop and went around to it and spotted Andrew and Rachel's house just up the street from there!

I did cry tears of joy when I saw my baby brother for the first time in so many years (I believe it has been about 6 years).  I got to hug my gorgeous sister-in-law and meet my sweet little neice and nephew for the first time.  I also met Rachel's Mom, Judy (Grandma), who is a treasure.  Once the hugs were done, we found ourselves pretty much outside in the snow. 

What else do you do when you're with family in the snow??????  SNOWFIGHT!!!  Both Andrew and I have pretty lame aims, so the kids did a good job of getting us good....with the help of Grandma, who had prepared some pretty mean looking snowballs earlier!

The view from outside Rachel & Andrew's front door


Cousins in the Snow - Sequoia, Sophie & Pheonix


Girls only
Grandma makes the best snowballs!!!

Andrew and JJ
The newest member of the family.....Frosty!
I never imagined how crazy full-on making a snowman would be....we were frozen to the bone when we were finished with this endeavour.  We started by packing the snow into a ball, and then Pheonix, Andrew and I rolled the balls through the field and they just grew and grew! The spheres were incredibly heavy and difficult to lift and we had to chisel holes into the balls to put in the stick arms, carrot nose and liquorice mouth.  Huge effort by all and we were quite proud of our effort.

Once we had thawed out back inside with some hot chocolate and then a delicious meal of southern-style chicken, salad and home-made bread, Andrew, Rachel, Sequoia and I drove into Ansbach.  Unfortunately, the Christmas Markets had already closed for the night, but I got to sample some warm mulled, spiced wine and then we headed to the warmth of a little cafe for coffees and icecream for the girl.
Can come with or without alcohol - none for Sequoia though 
Andrew and Rachel
It was a fantastic first day with Andrew and the family.  JJ and Sophie are so gorgeous and Andrew, Rachel and Jan have made us feel very welcome (even little mints on our pillows :-) )

Pheonix was well sleep by 2030 (he didn't come to Ansbach with us, but stayed with Grandma and the littlies) but was awake again at 0430.  But on the whole, we seem to be coping quite well with the jet lag.


  1. What a great welcome! That courtyard out the front of the house looks so different with snow on the ground! Give everyone big hugs for me. I miss you all!

  2. Thanks Jen. Merry Christmas and hugs back to you from everyone here. xxx
