Monday, December 19, 2011

Sayonara japan

After a very exciting and adventurous couple of days in the land of the cherry blossoms, the time came for us to head off to our next destination, Europe!

An early start to the morning to catch our train found us setting off from the guesthouse at 0730. Fortunately, we did get to see Tomomi and thank her before we left. She was happy to pose for a photo.

We decided to take the bullet train to the airport (hence the shortfall in projected cash requirements yesterday) which was a real treat for Pheonix. At first, he really was disappointed as we went at quite an average speed through the city loop stations (without stopping) but once we were heading out across the bridge towards the airport we were fairly flying along! I think Pheonix was expecting a much more thrilling sideshow ride, but it was very smooth.
Well, another thing ticked off on the bucket list!

The flights were always going to be excruciatingly long - I am still yet to be able to feel my backside again as I sit here in our Frankfurt hotel tonight. With such an early night, we have had the longest day ever!!!

Well, I'm exhausted and you can only get free wifi at our hotel from the lobby (this update is via my iphone) So I'm going to have to put pics and some more about our day including the scary trip in the hire car to the hotel tomorrow....

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