Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Magic in Rothenberg

After an enjoyably easy morning, where Grandma was up early making delicious little German sausages with pancakes for breakfast (which we had with fruit and home-made muffins) we decided to check out the Christmas Markets in the Old Town of Rothenberg.

The snow disappeared overnight, but we saw flurries in the morning and then in our travels through the country-side we saw varying levels of snow fall.  It was pleasant drive, about 45 mins, to town, and Andrew, Sequoia and I took the hire car and Rachel, Grandma and the littler kids drove out in Andrew and Rachel's car.

Rothenberg is gorgeous!!!  Such an old-style town with narrow, cobblestone streets inside a castle wall.

From outside the Old Town
Entrance to the city
Shops and Towhouses
Christmas Window
It was absolutely freezing!!!  So we did nake quite hasty tracks to a restaurant in the town for a delicious traditional German lunch!

Bread with mustard and warm mulled spice wine

Bratwurst with Potato Salad
We also had some Apple Strudel with Ice-cream for dessert, but it didn't last long enough to take a picture :-)

After lunch, we took a stroll around the Christmas Markets, which were right through the town.

Town Square with some of the stalls
Candle Stall

Some of the buildings are just amazing. 

This building was built in 1681
Whilst the children took a ride on a Carousel, Andrew and I took a wander through an old church cathedral.  Amazing!

Church Stain Glass Window
Pipe Organ
Aunt Rachel and Uncle Andrew wanted to go down the street to look at some shops, so Grandma and I took the children to buy some market trinkets and then for some Hot Chocolates at a little bakery along the way.

Sequoia and JJ
By this time although it was only about 1630, the day was coming to a close, so we drove back to Goetteldorf for a nice relaxing evening at home.

Tomorrow we will be up early to drive down to Dachau, so everyone is nice and early in bed tonight.
Sleep tight....

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