Friday, December 16, 2011

Our exciting day in Nara

What a deliciously freezing, exciting, fun day.... and a far cry from sweaty sticky Cairns.  It really is quite frosty!  Pheonix just informed me that his lips are all crackled....

As I have already mentioned, our accommodation is gorgeous.  The staff are really friendly and I love the rustic feel of the place. There seem to be lots of little nooks and crannies to explore all around.

Yougendo Ryokan

Very inviting and cosy - this is the lobby area

We started the day with an 'interesting' breakfast - a rice porridge with toppings of mushrooms, scrambled egg, ham and seaweed.  Pheonix practically licked his bowl clean, but I must admit Sequoia and I struggled with it a little.  However, we do have a choice between traditional and western-style breaky each morning.  Tomorrow, we are opting for two western-styles (scrambled eggs and ham) and one of some mushroom dish with miso.  Good to give new things a try.... 

Waiting for breakfast....

You wouldn't believe it, but there is another western family staying here at the Guesthouse who are from Cairns! Sequoia has already made a new friend, a little girl who is about the same age as her who goes to Peace Lutheran College just down the road from us at home.

Today has been all about Nara.  We caught the rapid train from Oji this morning and took a leisurely stroll up into Nara Park.  It was really lovely to just wander around without having to rush to any particular destination.  Isn't that what holidays are all about?

With the kids all rugged up....
.... we headed off to Nara (this is just outside Nara Station)

Nara Information Centre

A nice looking roof!

I just love the look of many of the ornate and beautiful, and everything is so little!

The kids insisted that we had to sample Asian McDonalds...Pheonix had a big mac equivalent, and Sequoia and I tucked into a Teriyaki Mcburger.  Not too bad, but we all agreed that one experience was enough.  Our server tried so hard to help us, and then agreed to a photo (we are such tourists!)

I wonder what the non-English speakers actually think this says?

This is at the entrance to Nara Park, a very pretty view across the water...

Angie and Sequoia

We took a stroll around some of the gorgeous buildings (temples) and then headed to the Nara National Museum to get some culture into us....

Unfortunately, we couldn't take any pics inside the museaum, but we saw many 6th Century items, such as pottery, wooden japanese tables and scrolls with little pictures on them.

There was also a sweet little tea-house out the back of the west wing of the museum.  Unfortunately it was closed but very pretty area to look at.

Highlight of the day:  The Deer!!!!!!
They really do need to issue a disclaimer when they sell you the deer biscuits.  Even before the transaction was completed, they are on to you - trying to stick their nobby little heads EVERYWHERE!

Oh deer....he may look all sweet and innocent.....but...

You can't see the deer behind Pheonix, but it's little nubs were headed for somewhere they shouldnt have been...

Hey, now that I look back at the photos, I realise how very good the deer are... they really do seem to be able to be all cute in photos. However, THEY ARE EVIL! I ended up just throwing the cookies in my hand at them and running for my life!!!!  One of the deer who tackle Sequoia actually had blood on it's head...they are viscious, I tell you.....*Twilight Zone theme music plays*


Oh well, I'd better get some rest. We are off into Osaka tomorrow and I anticipate another day of fun and adventure.  Hopefully a day with less life-threatening trauma from the wildlife.....

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